Everyone in Great Neck felt that segregated schools were a moral and national disgrace.
So what happened in the late 1960s, when their own solution to this problem was to bus minority students into Great Neck from Queens?
The plan was “temporarily put on hold” because it just “needed more study.”
Hypocrisy? You bet ya !
In the 1980s a low-income, senior-citizen, housing project was proposed, also in Great Neck. For the arm-chair, suburban liberals, this was a “dream-project” come true, just as long as it wasn’t built in any of the their own sections of town.
Forget Kings Point or Great Neck Estates! No way, Lake Success! ! Arrondale Avenue in Great Neck’s Old Village was just perfect for these folks.
That leads me to my all time favorite group of hypocrites. New York City’s liberal elitists always amaze me with their clairvoyant knowledge of what’s best for me.
The kicker is that they always expect the taxpaying, business owners to pay their bills. This time they have set their sights on solving some of New York City’s major urban problems.
Ready for this one? This summer, we will be the recipient of their new bike-sharing program. You heard me right! Bike sharing?
In New York City? For a NYU graduate student, that may be fine. But for this 71-year-old retired dentist, I’m not so sure.
Starting in July, 10,000 bicycles, all donated by Citibank, will descend on our town.
The rest of the cost? I guess we’re getting another bill. Hold on to your kids hands. Senior citizens beware! Forget about our cars and businesses. All you tofu-eating vegans can just pick up one of these rent-a-bikes and return it to any of the 293 newly-built “bike stations” scattered around town.
Let’s repeat that: 293 bicycle stations! Got it? Everywhere!
All you have to do is pay $95 annually or $9.95 a day. Tell Al Gore that global warming will be stopped! Park Avenue’s air pollution will be dramatically diminished. Traffic congestion will be a problem of the past. Inform the mayor that childhood obesity is now cured.
But, wait a minute. Just when these do-gooders were patting themselves on the back, some of them realized that some of these 293 bike stations were being built on their own block.
Better move them to another neighborhood. They don’t care. Their doorman can pick up the bike for them anyway! Sound familiar, Great Neck?
1 – Soho residents hated them in Petrosino Square Park. (took up too much room!)
2 – The site on Cleveland street must go. It’s just “too dangerous”.
3 – On Montague street, in Brooklyn, they objected because the 39 “docks” will replace a parking lane. But isn’t that the whole point? Get rid of our automobiles!
4 – Another 23-bike station was placed on a promenade in Brooklyn, where bikes are currently illegal!
5 – In SoHo, the reason to object to a 25-bike kiosk was that it was a “blight” on their park as well.
6 – One was cancelled after they protested that it was initially built in front of the residence of the UN secretary-general. Maybe we should keep the bikes and get rid of the UN?
7 – One was cancelled because it was to close to their fire house.
8 – One was even nixed when their local church said it was “inappropriately” placed near a memorial park! Since when did these liberals start listening to our religious leaders?
The list is endless. Anyplace, but not on my block.
Hypocrisy is still alive and well and living in New York City. Even our “out-of-shape” residents are complaining because a 250 lb. maximum was placed on a riders weight.
Ten thousand bikes will be great for Lance Armstrong and our unemployed, negligence-lawyers. But I’m afraid that Obamacare’s, “free” health-care system did not anticipate treating this huge influx of new bike-accident patients.
Why don’t all you biking enthusiasts give up your new flat-screen TV this year, and buy your own bicycle. Leave me out of it.
Oh, I forgot! Government must do it for you!
Dr Stephen Morris DDS,
North Hills
NYC resident 1941-1966
Great Neck 1969-1999