Help for those affected by Hurricane Florence

Help for those affected by Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence has hit North Carolina with a great force of wind and rain and has caused much flooding.

This epic storm that can also be termed as one of biblical proportions considering all the damages and destruction and loss of human life.

I work for Northeast Plumbing in Mineola and one of my co-workers named Gary is in North Carolina visiting his brother while on vacation.

I called him this morning and one of my co-workers named Gregory and myself were asking him how he was doing and he said it was raining but (they are) hanging in there and hoping for the best.

Also my co-worker named Gregory has also a family member living in NC.

Now one of my bosses named Jimmy Simpson has a daughter and her husband are living in North Carolina.

I believe he is a bit worried, but he says they are alright.

I therefore ask all of your readers to keep all those affected by Hurricane Florence, to keep them in their prayers in this difficult situation.

I also ask, when all is said and done, if the many that can to donate to the Red Cross and any other charitable organizations that will be trying help the many in need of food, water and human compassion. 

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Mineola, N.Y.

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