“Experienced, Knowledgeable and Committed”
I am grateful for the opportunity to wholeheartedly endorse trustees Larry Gross and Susan Healy for re-election to the Great Neck Board of Education!
I have known Larry Gross for over 25 years. Having the opportunity to observe his leadership of the board when I was a parent leader of an elementary school inspired me to follow his path and while I am awed by his vast financial acumen, I am equally touched by his continued desire to work tirelessly for the betterment of our entire school district.
His knowledge of the past enables us to succeed in the present and to learn for the future. I would never have accepted my own appointment to the Board of Education in 1992 were it not for witnessing Larry’s commitment!
I have worked with Susan Healy since 2007 when she joined the board.
Susan always finds the time in her busy schedule whenever a school invites her, to attend an event, and she is truly the champion of the children and parents in this district who often don’t have a voice.
Her compassion leads her to “speak” for those who are otherwise silent. And being a parent to five children with differing needs, abilities and interests has shown her that “one size does NOT fit all” when it comes to education.
Many people don’t realize that serving on the Board of Education is an unpaid position without benefits. The only “benefit” is knowing that you are striving to successfully maintain the excellence of our school district, whose reputation continues to attract people to our community, while still dealing with a plethora of assorted curriculum and budgetary pressures.
Tuesday, May 20th is a chance for every registered voter in Great Neck (and select parts of New Hyde Park) to come out and prove that experience counts and hard work truly matters. With your vote you are saying “Thank You” to Larry Gross and Susan Healy and enabling them to continue to serve this community, which we all care about, with their dedication and unwavering commitment!
Barbara Berkowitz
GN Board of Education