Readers Write: ‘Globalist totalitarians’ seek to take our guns, our rights

Readers Write: ‘Globalist totalitarians’ seek to take our guns, our rights

The push against the Second Amendment by globalist totalitarians continues unabated. 

This in the guise of protecting the innocent. No opportunity is lost by Obama, Hillary or the corporate media in promoting the anti-gun agenda. 

While the anti-gun lobby purports to be concerned with safety, in fact its leadership is motivated by a quest for control over Americans, not our safety. 

Anti-gun initiatives have nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with control. 

They are meant to advance the agenda of the totalitarians, not to ensure the safety of innocent Americans.

Contrary to the false narrative promoted by the media that guns are the cause of violent crime and murder, FBI statistics show that the U.S. homicide rate has hit a 51-year low. 

This while gun ownership has increased 141 percent. 

The most recent data shows a homicide rate of 4.5 per 100,000. This the lowest homicide rate since 1963. 

In short, there is no correlation between increased gun ownership and violent crime in the U.S. If anything, the correlation is the opposite, i.e., more gun ownership correlates with less violent crime, not more. 

The only places in the U.S. that buck the trend, i.e., where there continues to be high levels of violent crime, are in Democrat-run cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Washington and Detroit. 

In fact, these four cities, while containing just 1.5 percent of U.S. population, account for 25 percent of criminal gun deaths in the U.S. 

It is not guns that are causing these deaths; it is criminals who should be behind bars, but aren’t because of Democratic politicians, that are causing them. 

The solution to violent crime in the U.S. isn’t to gut the Second Amendment. 

Rather it’s the enforcement of existing criminal laws. In the alternative, voting Democrats out of office would work just as well. 

If those promoting the anti-gun narrative were truly interested in saving innocent lives, they would enforce existing criminal laws. 

But they don’t. 

In fact, Obama and his administration have actively done just the opposite. 

Witness Obama’s Fast and Furious initiative. And witness Obama’s cessation of prosecution under federal law of those committing a felony with a firearm, which carries a minimum five-year sentence. 

Pre-Obama, prosecutions under that law reduced the murder rate in Richmond, Va., which at the time was the murder capital of the U.S., by 50 percent in two years. 

But such prosecutions virtually ceased under Obama and Eric Holder. 

This because they want violent crime. It assists their argument for gun control. 

The leadership of the anti-gun lobby has a surreptitious agenda. It’s about control, not safety.   

Americans shouldn’t fall for it. We will be less safe if we do. 

John O’Kelly

East Williston

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