Reader’s Write: Frozen ship shows global warming untrue

Reader’s Write: Frozen ship shows global warming untrue

I would like to respond to Dr. Sobel’s letter of Jan. 3. 

Rather than responding to many points that I disagree with, I’ll respond to three points.

Item 4. Global warming. The crewmen who were rescued when their ship was encased in ice might have a different opinion on how advanced global warming is. Also, Al Gore did not invent global warming although he might want to people to think he did.

Item 5. Dr. Sobel’s contention that corporations do not walk, think and fornicate has to be tempered by the fact that people create corporations and most of them walk, think and fornicate. Someone has to be responsible for a corporation’s behavior precisely because it doesn’t walk, think or fornicate.

Item 9. If 46 million Americans do not have health care, provide for them and foist the responsibilities on them. Leave the rest of us alone! We do have health insurance that we like.

I would like to respond to all of the other items, but I have a more important project to do – watch the pro football playoffs. No offense doc.

Mort Perlman

Great Neck

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