From the Desk of Town Council: N. Hempstead letter to Gov. Kathy Hochul

From the Desk of Town Council: N. Hempstead letter to Gov. Kathy Hochul

We are writing to you concerning the New York Housing Compact which you discussed during your State of the State speech. We certainly agree with the premise that there is a housing crisis, and we applaud your efforts to increase housing opportunities for younger residents and lower-income residents across Long Island and throughout New York State. However, we must urge you to reconsider some aspects of your
proposal – most notably the 3% new home growth over three years and transit-oriented local rezoning mandates. These prospective changes may serve to restrict our resources and constrain our ability to be good stewards of our local environment.

It is fundamentally essential that we, as local officials, maintain the ability to represent our residents. Local governments must maintain a certain level of autonomy when it comes to appropriately preserving the suburban aesthetic of their communities. We are hopeful you will make appropriate modifications thatallow for that. Our residents deserve to have a seat at the table, as they always have, and we are concerned that this new initiative, as currently constituted, may hinder our ability to work proactively andcollaboratively with them.

The Town of North Hempstead has been and will continue to be a shining example of what local government can do to improve and increase affordable housing for residents. Year after year, we have proven to be dedicated to modernizing the communities within the North Hempstead Housing Authority, and, whenever possible, adding units to increase accessibility for seniors or low-income residents like we did recently by building the Homestead Senior Apartments in Westbury.

We look forward to continuing to work with the residents of the Town, and with you, to ensure that future progress and development

Jennifer DeSena, Supervisor
Robrert Troiano, Council Member
Peter Zuckerman, Council Member
Dennis Walsh, Council Member
Veronica Lurvey, Council Member
David Adhami, Council Member
Mariann Dalimonte, Council Member



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