It is possible, even probable, that District 5 Councilman David Adhami lives in North Hempstead – as is required by law.
Since being elected in 2021, all political contributions made by Adhami, a Republican, have been made from his home in Great Neck, according to New York State Board of Election records.
In 2010, the Great Neck property was sold by Adhami’s parents to him and his sister, according to Nassau County property records.
Adhami, a lawyer with a practice in Great Neck, himself said he lived in Great Neck when questioned by a resident about where he lived in November at a Town of North Hempstead board meeting.
The resident, Nina Gordon, and Blank Slate Media obtained Town of Hempstead records indicating that Adhami lived in a home in Merrick instead.
The records show in October 2021, the Town of Hempstead issued Adhami a permit for a solar panel to be installed on the roof of a home that he and his wife purchased in Merrick in 2021.
As part of the permit process, Adhami signed a notarized Hempstead Buildings Department Affidavit of Property Owner that says “David Adhami, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he or she resides” at the given Merrick address.
The notarized application signed by Adhami goes on to say that the applications and plans and “all the statements herein contained are true to deponent’s own knowledge.”
Blank Slate also found that Adhami’s wife, Shereen, had posted in November 2020 that she and her husband were looking for a “home with a dock, three bedrooms, two baths and close to the Chabad.”
Gordon told the Town of North Hempstead Board in November that “it appears a fraud is being perpetrated on the residents of North Hempstead and I would appreciate an explanation of how and why this is allowed to continue.”
Adhami responded at the meeting that he lives in Great Neck.
“I do own a house in Merrick, it’s public record,” he said. “But I do not live there, that is not my primary residence and that is that. I do reside in Great Neck.”
But Gordon received no further explanation. Or proof of Adhami’s explanation.
Nor did Blank Slate Media, which published a story showing a copy of the affidavit Adhami signed saying he lived in Merrick.
This is not a matter without significance. It could have important implications for the balance of power in the town.
Republicans on the town board won a 4-3 majority in November, which will give them control in January of a body that has been in Democratic hands for decades.
It also gave Republicans control of all three towns in Nassau as well as the county Legislature and all four county-wide seats including county executive.
If Adhami were to leave, Democrats could regain control of the Town Council in a district that includes North New Hyde Park, Garden City Park, Floral Park and the villages of Saddle Rock, Great Neck Estates, Great Neck Plaza, Russell Gardens, University Gardens, Lake Success and other unincorporated areas.
Which leads to an obvious question: Why is there no demand for a public clarification of Adhami’s residence?
In a district that just saw its congressman, George Santos, expelled last week from Congress for lying about almost everything in his personal life, including where he lived.
House members were also persuaded by an Ethics Committee that found “substantial evidence” Santos violated federal law. Which followed Santos being charged in two indictments with theft, credit card fraud, conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering and theft of public funds.
Santos has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
In the process, Santos has made the 3rd Congressional District in New York a national laughingstock.
So, why no call by the town’s Democratic majority in its last days for an investigation that could result in their regaining the majority?
It certainly wasn’t to end the two years of party-line votes and partisan bickering on the Town Council.
Town of North Hempstead Democrats used their 4-3 advantage over Republicans last week to allocate $3.8 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for dredging in Manhasset Bay without a single Republican vote.
The doubts that Adhami could easily be dispelled by appointing an independent outsider to check both the homes Adhami owns to see where he is actually living.
Or Adhami could give the independent agent a copy of the portion of his state and federal tax forms that shows his home address. Yes, it is true, he could lie but that would risk violating state and federal crimes – a very large incentive to tell the truth.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans on the Town Council have called, at least publicly, for an investigation to verify where Adhami lives.
There is no explanation of why Adhami, a lawyer, signed a notarized statement swearing on a Town of Hempstead application that he lived in Merrick and swearing that he was telling the truth.
Why would Adhami sign the document if it wasn’t true? Convenience? Possibly. But if that’s the reason, what else is Adhami saying or signing, out of convenience, that isn’t true?
After the Blank Slate Media story was published online, Nassau County Republican Committee counsel John Ryan sent a letter saying Adhami’s “domicile was in the district,” which he termed is the “exclusive geographic test of elective office” in the Town of North Hempstead.
“It is the location at which he and his family celebrate anniversaries and observe family birthdays,” Ryan said. “His school-aged child attends school in Great Neck and he and his family belong to Beth Hadassah (The Iranian Jewish Center) on Steamboat Rd. Any suggestion that Dave Adhami’s domicile is anywhere but in the Council District that he represents is either malicious or downright stupid.”
He also said the home in Merrick was an investment property.
But Ryan did not cite the source or sources of his information on Adhami. And he did not dispute the veracity of the signed affidavit.
He is also a member of the Nassau County Republican Committee, which endorsed Santos. Twice.
North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, a Republican, has also said Adhami lives in Great Neck without offering any evidence.
But DeSena not only endorsed Santos two years ago but campaigned with him throughout North Hempstead.
It is unclear what the harm would be if it was determined that a town council member cast votes when he was not eligible to serve.
Up until now, Adhami has been part of a Republican minority that has frequently lost 4-3 votes to the Democratic majority. So his vote has not been decisive in Town Council decisions.
But that changes in January when a 4-3 Republican majority is sworn in.
At that point, someone might be more likely to challenge a party-line council vote based on Adhami’s eligibility.
Do Town of North Hempstead voters really want the possibility of another Santos-like embarrassment?
The town should appoint an independent third party to verify that Adhami lives where he says he does and find out why he signed an affidavit that says otherwise.
As President Reagan said about arms control with the Russians, trust but verify.
Especially in the Town of North Hempstead.
Blank, you may want to take this post down. It’s not a good look for you. It comes off as deranged and highly-partisan. You basically are implying that despite the only one claiming this is noted gadfly Nina Gordon, you will believe her over everyone else (including the other Democrats on the board) because you want this to be true.
That’s deranged.
Rethink this, before you get sued.
Funny. People have complained that the media did not do enough to uncover George Santos’ lies. Now you are complaining when we raises questions about another elected official whose actions have raised legitimate questions.
Are long islanders not allowed to own more than one home anymore? As long as it’s not his main residence then what’s the problem? The timing of this concern being brought up seems a little convenient to me. It’s giving witch hunt vibes.
The Village of Great Neck Estates recently issued a building permit for the home in which Adhami claims to live. That permit lists his mother as the home’s owner.
Furthermore, the mayor of Great Neck Estates told me himself that everyone in the village knows it’s his mother who lives there, and that he lives in Merrick. Time to expose this fraud!
Respectfully, Emily, it’s not about owning 2 homes. It’s about him swearing to a notary that he “resides” in the out of district home. Either he lied or he didn’t read carefully — neither of which I’d want from someone whose job it is to represent our community’s best interests.
Lest anyone thinks this matter is of concern only to one gadfly, I will add my hat to the ring on this. There is a lot of evidence to support the allegation that Adhami’s primary residence is not in Great Neck. So I’m wondering why The Democratic Party hasn’t launched a full investigation. A question of residence shouldn’t be that difficult to resolve.
Apparently too many people have too much time on their hands— time which they choose to fritter away posting stuff so they can feel important. It certainly is not difficult to document someone’s primary residence. Instead of spending time complaining, do a little research and find the residency information you need yourself. Then you will have your answer and it will be clear what needs to be done.