Readers Write: Earning the trust of Kings Point voters

Readers Write: Earning the trust of Kings Point voters

Our American democracy requires that candidates seek to convince their constituents that they have earned their vote In the days and weeks leading up to Election Day. 

As a trustee of [Kings Point] I welcome that task. I believe elected officials should earn that vote every day.

Over the last number of years, I have served on our village boards with a very simple political philosophy: Decide issues based on whether it will hurt or enhance our village. 

Although it may sound simple, it is not. There are many things that will enhance the village, but are not worth the cost, and there are many things that can be cut from our budget, but would significantly adversely impact the quality of our life In the Village, the police protection, roadway maintenance, other basic services that we expect, and the values of our homes, which led us to choose Kings Point as our home. 

It is the years of experience and the careful and conscientious listening to our residents that help us decide those critical issues. 

Kings Point has a reputation for being among the most desired villages in which to live in the United States. It is with the years of experience and sincere concern for the village residents that the incumbent mayor and trustees have made it so and, with your vote, we may continue to do so.

As a fellow Persian-American, I know the work ethic that defines, in part, who we are. 

That ethic is reflected in how I approach my responsibilities on the village board. 

Each day I ask, Have I done enough? Have I forgotten anything? Is there something else I can do to make things run better? Did the police respond quickly enough? Can our parks be improved?”

The questions l ask myself at the end of a day about how to better serve the community often linger long after I have turned out the light. And yet it is challenge I enjoy, and in fact I welcome. 

Bringing my business, experience to ensure an efficient village administration allows me to return something of value to my adopted country and my beloved village.

So 1 am asking you for your vote and your support on behalf of all of us, our dear and distinguished, hard-working Mayor Michael Kalnick, and our esteemed and selfless Trustee Sheldon Kwiat, and myself.

When you go to vote, and please do, consider what we have accomplished in our years of service to make the Village you choose as your home, and how we can continue to assure that quality of life with the lowest costs required to do so. 

Mind you that all of us on all boards are civil servants and all of our work on your behalf is done without any consideration, reward or compensation. Your being content with living in this beloved village is our aim and concern, and it is compensation enough.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to any of us personally. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any issue that may be on your mind.

In closing, permit me to thank you for allowing me to serve as your trustee, and your deputy mayor.

David Harounian

Kings Point

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