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Reader’s Write: Delays on Sumter Ave. house makes no sense

I last wrote this on Feb. 24. (see below letter).  

Today, April 25, two months later, I see that the Muzios have again had good fortune come their way.

I read in today’s Williston Times that Supreme Court Judge James McCormack was ‘unavailable’ on April 21 to hear arguments as to why 8 Sumter Avenue should not be razed. 

Once again a decision to relieve the neighbors surrounding this truly appalling structure of this scourge on their existence has been delayed. Again, what a surprise…

Just this past Saturday late evening my boys were playing ball in the yard (which diagonally abuts the Muzio’s house to the southwest) with my wife watching. Wouldn’t you know but they saw two or three raccoons wandering around on the roof (yes, roof) at 8 Sumter Avenue! Seriously?

Their visual verifications should be proof enough that this situation must come to an end. 

Obviously if raccoons are on the roof, accessed through man-sized holes in it, they didn’t just fly up there, nor could they scale the outside of the house. 

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Logic would prevail and indicate that they had to be free to roam the entire inside of the home and all of it’s floors to be able to gain access to the roof.

Take a moment to visualize this…and understand that if there were two or three there must be many, many more.

The court date specified as May 12 to revisit this case is way too much of another delay. 

Was anything wrong with the balance of the week of April 21 (now passed), the week of April 28 or May 5?? I just don’t get it.


 Tom Scheuer

East Williston

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