About health insurance, there is now less steam being blown off fogging up the perspective. There is no reason here to go into the reasons behind it all.
What could be very worthwhile is if an honest evaluatiion-survey is done comparing the medical history needs of longtime veggies-vegans and the rest who pig out on any ‘ol slimy stuff.
One aspect to check would be the occurence of breast cancer. Those mammary glands involve very delicate processes.
An important question is what does a person have flowing in their arteries and veins. Is the body kept clean or is it full of all kinds of foul substances?
I can imagine that nature provides us with good physical body systems. It is up to each of us to care for them or pay the consequences. This is not to rule out that some may be born with complications from past actions.
The physical world is one of cause and effect. Heed that which is necessary or pay the consequences.
As it stands, those who care for themselves (this does not mean consume vitamins, minerals, pharmaceuticals or supplements) are having to unjustly subsidize those who don’t. This creates no ‘money talks’ inducements for the pigger-outers to do so. It would of course result in a loss of jobs in the medical et al. area but that is a topic for another discussion.
Consider the foregoing the main course. How about some tangy dessert?
Recently, I saw an independent film about the Tea Party working to the nth in Pennsylvania to hustle votes for their interests in the last major election. They were feeling so confident they had it knocked.
On election day it was caught on film that they were cocky enough to be leafletting voters as they entered the door of one polling station. We all know the law about that. Obviously they were determined to steal more votes.
When the election results were published, they were dumbfounded at how badly they had lost. They underestimated the power of the silent majority voters….
Hence, the reason for the attempt at voter suppression with required I.D.s.
In Florida, the lines to vote are said to be long and the rest rooms are closed as a deterrent to waiting in line. We will see what hoopla pops up in November.
Charles Samek