Readers Write: College campuses breed liberals’ intolerance

Readers Write: College campuses breed liberals’ intolerance

Does it upset you when you see the deterioration of the education that our kids are getting on our college campuses all across America? Excluding their obvious flaws ( lack in basic reading and writing skills, no history, reading the classics, no foreign language experience etc.) who how do you explain the following?

1 – if you think our kids are getting a balanced education, how do you explain that a recent survey of college professors done by UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute found that 63 percent of all college professors classified themselves as liberal or far left politically?  (that’s far-left!!) 

2 – Her name is Christine Lagarde, and she is the managing director of the International Monetary Fund. 

She was “disinvited” from giving the commencement address at Smith College after both student and faculty  protesters convinced their gutless administration to cancel her appearance. 

Her crimes? Even though this international financial expert had saved numerous countries by lending them money during their economic crises, she insisted that they tighten their financial belts and actually pay the loans back. 

I guess that last stipulation infuriated the far- left student and teacher groups on campus. 

What was their answer to a free discussion of the issues? Debate the issues? Discuss other solutions? No way! 

They  pressured the school into canceling her appearance.  How can any economics or finance major be deprived of hearing this international banking luminary? 

3 – Her name is Condoleezza Rice. She was the first black woman provost at Stanford University and a Presidential National Security Advisor. 

But to liberals, she committed the ultimate “crime” of being Secretary of State, under George Bush. As Bob Beckel said, “she is not a good role model for black women because she was privileged.” 

Really? How come he doesn’t feel the same way about Michelle Obama? Anyway, Ms. Rice was disinvited from speaking at Rutger’s University’s graduation ceremonies.  

Why didn’t any black female student demand to hear her speak? Cowardly censorship by a gutless administration deprived so many students from meeting such an accomplished African-American woman. 

4 – Her name is Jeane Kirtpatrick and she was the former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Even though she played a major role in international politics, she withdrew from delivering the commencement address at Lafayette College after hundreds of students and faculty protested her appearance. 

Her crime? She vilified any dictatorship by insisting they follow international law. Students of law and governmental studies missed a great opportunity to hear this superstar speak.  

5 – Guess who “was” allowed to speak at Smith College? None other than Rachel Maddow, Gloria Steinem and Arianna Huffington. Please explain that one. 

6 – Secretary of State John Kerry was invited and spoke at Yale this year and this liberal college chose to overlook the fact that after he fought in the Viet Nam war, he actively supported America’s enemy, the Viet Cong, Also conveniently forgotten was that he actually fabricated much of his “heroic,”  battlefield heroism. (read Jerome Corsi)

7 – The total student loan debt is now over $1.3 trillion. This is larger than either the credit card debt or the total mortgage debt.

8 – At the end of 2012, almost 12 percent of every student’s loan was delinquent by 90 days or more.

9 – The College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 forgives, yes forgives any student loan when the following criteria are met: they waive the remaining principle and interest payments. 

1 – after 120 payments have been made,

2 – after 10 years of full time employment in any philanthropic, government, or healthcare field.

All principle and interest payments will be waived. Sounds great! Doesn’t it. 

Another “feel good,” Obama program. But lost in the Obama’s rhetoric was the fact that someone has to pay their balance. 

Guess who it will be? All the “lucky” taxpayers will gladly pay it off for them. How could any financially strapped  students not just love President Obama ? 

10 – anti-Israeli students around the country have voted to boycott any US company doing business with Israel or any Israeli companies in the West Bank .

Isn’t it sad that when our kids apply to college, or when we donate lively to any college.  Besides the academic  credentials of the university,we must also exam their political beliefs. 

Dr. Stephen Morris D.D.S.

North Hills

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