Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break. Happy New Year to you all!
Safety Update
Our new buzzer and camera systems were installed over the break at Willets Road and Wheatley. North Side already has a buzzer and camera system. Our security aides continue to monitor our building entrances, with all front doors now locked. Please review correspondence you received from individual buildings, which may include changes to student pick-up and drop-off procedures due to our security enhancements.
As shared previously, since the Project Save Legislation of several years ago, the East Williston School District has both building and district emergency plans in place that meet rigorous state requirements for school safety. The plans were developed in conjunction with law enforcement professionals and security experts and include regular drills and ongoing review of plans. As part of our ongoing review and in light of insight gained from the terrible Connecticut shooting, we have reached out to the Nassau County Police Department and the Department of Homeland Security. These departments will perform an additional security audit of our safety procedures. Next week, administrators from each building and I will be participating in a workshop sponsored by the Nassau County Police Department on “the active shooter.” Though this is something we hope to never face, it is important that we have the most up to date information on any eventuality that could threaten the safety of our school community.
Strategic Planning Update
Reminder: The East Williston School District is undertaking a five-year strategic plan initiative. If you go to the district homepage at www.ewsdonline.org and click on the Strategic Planning Initiative in the News Box, there is an opportunity to review the questions posed and ideas gathered at the Dec. 5, 2012 Strategic Planning Community Forum and provide your ideas and feedback to me. The Strategic Planning Committee, comprised of representatives from the PTO Coordinating Council, the Board Advisory Committees and the staff associations, will be meeting later this month. At the first meeting, plans will be made for continued community input and opportunities established to involve the district community in prioritizing initiatives for recommendation to the Board of Education.
The rich blend of co-curricular and curricular activities that East Williston offers, which are so supportive of the development of the whole child, is one of the characteristics that I first noticed when arriving here. On Saturday, Jan’ 5, 2013, the Wheatley Cup Wrestling Tournament was held at the Wheatley gymnasium. Wheatley’s wrestlers and seven other varsity wrestling teams competed in the Wheatley gym. Thank you to all who came to cheer on our team.
On Jan. 10, the North Side PTO hosted a meeting and an Introduction to NYS Testing Program, with presentations from Jim Bloomgarden, Principal of North Side, Joyce Bernstein, CA for Mathematics and Steve Collier, CA for English Language Arts.
Please note that Wheatley’s Grade 8 Curriculum Night originally scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 8 was postponed to Jan. 23. This event will now be held in conjunction with Wheatley’s Incoming Grade 8 Parent Orientation scheduled for January 23.
Board of Education Work Session – Jan. 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Agenda items include the strategic planning calendar and community outreach process.
Revised Code of Conduct
As you know, the Code of Conduct was recently revised to include the NYS Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) and approved by the Board of Education. The revised code is on the district website and can be accessed from the About Our District webpage (District tab). Please take the time to review this important document with your children.
Some Parenting Support
Over the break, I read an interesting article in the “Wall Street Journal”, Personal Journal section, titled Smarter Ways to Discipline Kids. If you didn’t see it, you may find that it provides some helpful insight. You can find the article online at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323277504578189680452680490.html?KEYWORDS=smarter+ways+to+discipline+kids . The article discusses research that challenges some of the most common parenting advice of recent years and discusses some new approaches including proactive, rather than reactive, ways of approaching child behaviors.
Please email me at kanase@ewsdonline.org or call 333-3782 with any questions, suggestions, and or any topics you would like to see for this newsletter.