Readers Write: Article shows Mineola’s wasteful spending

Readers Write: Article shows Mineola’s wasteful spending

Kudos to the Williston Times for reporting in their Aug. 16 issue that the Village of Mineola board intends to spend $350,000 for a generator and up to $37,000 for an engineering firm’s installation services. Just calling an electrician would be sufficient. 

The Mineola American also covers these Mineola board meetings and this subject has not been mentioned and I have been reading the papers thoroughly as I was sure it would be coming eventually. I cannot attend the board meetings as I have other activities on Wednesdays. 

So, if the Williston Times had not printed it, it would have gone unnoticed and no one would be the wiser. 

I have noticed certain trends with the other paper over time.

I commented on this matter in Aug. 23 issue, which also contains an article on page 46, entitled “Old Westbury talks gas station revamp.” This is the station at Jericho and Glen Cove Road. The one next to the wacky intersection. This station wants to install a standby-backup generator of 80 to 120 kilowatts. 

That means it can produce that much every hour of the day and night. I can’t imagine the station requiring anywhere near that much. This, however, is not my concern.

Anyway, I looked into large generators. The largest I could find was 150 kwh for $28,938. Another 100 kwh for $23,646. 

These are for large commercial-industrial buildings. For the $350,000 Mineola plans to spend, it would probably be possible to get an engine and generator used in railroad locomotives. 

I mentioned that a 16 kwh generator would be sufficient for the Mineola Village Hall building. I stand by that unless they are growing pot in the basement or something.

I am going to vouch for what I say. It was some 30 years ago that I discovered “Made Simple” books published by Doubleday, which then was on Franklin Avenue in Garden City. Now both are gone. 

As was their purpose, they were excellent for gaining a basic and thorough foundation on a subject on which one could build. Electricity and electronics are two of those I have. 

To lean on a saying, I wish I knew 30 years ago what I know now. If so, I would have purchased more of them while they were around except maybe shorthand. 

As is being stressed in Common Core Standards, one needs much varied knowledge in these times and for the future. I purchased these books at $4.50 each, no tuition, no debt. They are written so that anyone is able to comprehend the subject.

Adding $350,000 and $37,000, one gets $387,000. Subtracting $5,000 for a generator and perhaps $2,000 for its installation, the people of Mineola could be swindled out of as much as $375,000. 

One can imagine someone wanting to run to the district attorney to have this matter investigated.

This Saturday, I went for a walk by Mineola Village Hall and saw three places a generator could be placed. A narrow channel could be dug to put the wiring under the paved surface and there could be an enclosure to further dampen whatever noise it would make. 

Did I say swindle?

I trust in the veracity of Mr. Tedesco’s reporting and the integrity of the Williston Times. It is safe to say that this situation does not look good.

Charles Samek


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