Readers Write: All points of view deserve to be heard

Readers Write: All points of view deserve to be heard

When I served as an Air Force dentist during the Vietnam War, we were called “baby killers.” 

When I wrote extensively and spoke out against Obamacare’s brand of socialized medicine, I was called a racist.

When I co-founded the Nassau-Queens County Tea Party, I was called a Nazi and received threatening telephone calls. 

When I spoke out against public funding for the private Roslyn Country Club, I was called an anti-Semite (until they found out I was Jewish).

When I supported Bush-Cheney, opponents called us traitors. When I spoke out for life and the unborn child, I was told I hated women.

When I called for religious freedom, I was labeled a religious fanatic. 

Progressives claimed that by supporting Mitt Romney, we caused the death of old people just because we wanted to prevent the Medicare program from going bankrupt.

A reader called for the banning of my letters to the editor because, after living in Great Neck for 35 years, I don’t live there anymore. Another reader threatened to cancel her newspaper subscription because I called Al Gore self centered and hypocritical.

These are not examples of our country’s greatest moments. Thank God this newspaper has the courage to present every point of view.

I urge all of you who want to limit our personal freedoms, please read or reread article one of our great Constitution. 

Your diatribes will never stop freedom-loving Americans from expressing their views. God Bless America.

Dr. Stephen Morris, DDS

North Hills

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