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Readers Write: African-American code of conduct fuels violence

To address state Assemblyman Lavine’s letter on “gun violence,” I start with the term “gun violence.” 

A progressive/Alinsky language re-construction to shift norms. 

In the hypothetical case of injury or death involving the use of a firearm verses another with equal injury perpetrated with a hammer, this is to imply that the case in which a firearm was involved is somehow much worse. How and why? Because that fake analysis promotes the progressive agenda.

In an upper middle class community in real America (not downstate New York) everyone is armed, but there is no murder and mayhem. 

There might be a murder in something like a domestic dispute once in 20 years, a shock to the community. Certainly, it is not Hempstead or Chicago. 

So applying simple deductive reasoning, it is not the level of firearm ownership that causes violence. 

Nowhere, except on the O’Reilly show on Fox News is the real root cause of violence addressed in public forum. 

Everybody knows what it is, but the left has so intimidated everyone with the threat of racist branding that none dare mention it. I will. 

Communities like Hempstead and the analogues in Chicago and elsewhere have a code of conduct such that a young African-American man who does the right thing, and does not engage in anti social behavior is treated as a sell out. Everybody knows it! 

The protestors in Ferguson Missouri are not interested in the truth, they are defending that culture, and the leaders (that they chose) like Sharpton are out there telling them what they want to hear, profiting from it, and laughing all the way to the bank. A shameful situation.

Mr. Lavine’s solution has two parts. 

In the first, it is to incrementally destroy the right of honest people to own a firearm. 

Last year it was “assault weapons” and limits on the size of magazines. 

Next year, his cohort, Schimmel, will (back door) ban semi auto handguns via the “microstamping” fraud. 

After that it will be this other kind of gun, and that other kind of magazine, and this kind ammo, and so on until the goal post is reached, where you cannot legally own any firearm in New York and preferable to the likes of Mr. Lavine, anywhere in the U.S. 

This is why we fight them fang and claw and don’t want to compromise for “common sense gun safety” (more progressive word play). 

I was astonished to see (on the news) shots being fired by leftist “Occupy Wall Street” thugs at unarmed police in “gun free” England. 

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As to the outcome of social gun abolition, that speaks volumes. The 2nd amendment was intended to establish the American People as an armed militia to safeguard against despotism. 

It is a public policy based on the presumption of a good and responsible citizenry. In that vein, more, not less gun ownership is a great thing. 

For Mr. Lavine and his progressive cabal, public policy should be based on the lowest common denominator, the worst and the dumbest. All individual endeavor should be banned, licensed, controlled, regulated, and or rationed by the nanny state. They want to dictate what you can eat, and how much of it you can eat.

The other part of the master plan is the long tried and failed theft of your hard earned tax dollars for yet another amorphous government (fraud) “program.” A joke. 

The money he is proudly waiving in his article was your hard earned money. Rest assured that in the years to come it will disappear into the ether, and they will need more. 

No program, no amount of money, and no fake remedy spun by progressive hacks from academia will ever address the problems in the African-American Community.  

A solution can only come from within their community. Without an underclass, without victims, without racism, without misery, progressivism does not exist. 

So while the African-American community may think I am their enemy, I am not. 

If Obama, or Clinton, or Soros, etc. had a magic button that they could push to employ all the poor with good jobs, and good salaries, end all poverty and end all crime, do you believe that they would they push it? 

About as likely as my waking up tomorrow morning and finding that I look like Brad Pitt (not withstanding the use of mind altering drugs). 

Progressives are in the misery business, and they flourish at the expense of their constituents. 

There is, however, a glimmer of hope. 

I have seen people from the African-American community in Chicago and some other places coming to this very realization and speaking out. 

After some 60 years of these endless policies, programs, and social experiments where are they?

Emery Rose


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