Reader’s Write: A message calling on us to help the less fortunate

Reader’s Write: A message calling on us to help the less fortunate

I had attended Mass at our Lady of the Snows in Floral Park this past Sunday where Father Kevin McBrien gave a most inspirational talk on the reasons to give to the Annual Catholic Appeal. 

This year’s theme is,” When we give we share the light of faith.” Wow, now that really says a lot to me. You see when we pledge our support to the Catholic Appeal we are aiding a number of worthy causes like: vocations, migration, retired priests, Catholic Charities, scholarships assistance, parish assistance, and the list goes on. 

Father Kevin McBrien said,” by giving it is a reflection on the thought of Pope Francis in his first encyclical,” Lumen Fidei.” For which it he said, Without a doubt we seek to bring the light of faith and the joy of the Gospel to everyone and particularly to those who are overwhelmed by life’s challenges.” 

Father Kevin further said, that our contributions this year will bring much hope and peace to others.” 

In my opinion, I truly believe that the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the one. So please give, for I just did. Thanks Father Kevin for the reasons for the giving this Lenten season.

P.S. Rev. Kevin McBrien is also Champlain of the Knights of Columbus Chapter at the New Hyde Park Council.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village

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