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Reader’s Write: 80th anniversary story a nice change

One constantly reads unhappy and often tragic news in the media: traffic accidents, rape, murder, robbery, embezzlement, etc… What a delight it was to read the story of the 80th wedding anniversary of Herman and Bertie Solomon. 

Their love relationship is truly inspiring and uplifts the spirit of octogenarians like myself. 

I cannot yet match their marital love for I am married only 53 years, having married my wife after knowing her for only six days. It was a ship-board romance from Israel to France. Love at first sight. 

Longevity in marriage is based upon compromise. My wife and I have always compromised, she agrees to do things my way! (Only joking). 

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True love and long marriages are due to harmony, respect, faithful devotion and undying love for one another.

Thank you for sharing the romance of the Solomons with your readers. I wish them a mazal tov and more happy and healthy years together. They are a beautiful couple.

Rabbi Esor Ben-Sorek

Great Neck

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