I don’t like debating know-nothings because they think they know everything.
Reader Nahas takes issue with Elizabeth’s Berney’s position (and probably with mine as well). He seems to be unaware that the slave-owners who founded these United States of America guaranteed freedom of speech and opinion to all who dwell within its borders.
Our opinion of Sen. Hagel appears to be justified. Recent news from Washington indicate that President Obama is considering a “more balanced” choice for the post of Secretary of Defense. It may be the one good thing Obama has done. America’s history of anti-Semitism is well known. Quotas existed for university admissions in the USA until the 1950s. America’s doors were closed to refugees seeking haven from Christian Europe’s Nazi persecutions which led to the extermination of 6 million of our people.
Harry Truman was the first leader to recognize the State of Israel in 1948 because Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet Ambassador to the U.N. was prepared to have Soviet recognition first. Truman beat him to the decision.
America and Israel have been good friends and allies (less friends since the 2008 elections) and America relies on intelligence information from Israel more than Israel requires or gets it from America.
Elizabeth Berney does not have to be an Israeli citizen (as I am) in order to express her criticism of American policy. Neither does she have to move to Israel.
Christians around the world support Israel. Last week our Ministry of Tourism published statistics that 60 percent of all tourists to Israel are Christians, mainly from America, Canada, Korea, South Africa. France and Germany.
Maybe Mr. Nahas, whose name is not of American origin, would also like to visit.
And bring Obama with him. We will welcome him with a shalom, a blessing of peace.
Dr. Esor Ben-Sorek
Great Neck