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Yeshiva expansion plan is troubling

Re:  Appeal #19302 – Congregation and Yeshiva Beth Eliyahu

An open letter to members of the (Town of North Hempstead) board of zoning appeals:

I am writing to you today regarding the above-referenced application.

Numerous residents living in the vicinity of the site, especially in the Allenwood Park area, have contacted me, as their town council representative, to express their opposition and concerns with respect to this proposed development.

The overwhelming sentiment expressed by my constituents is that approval of this application would seriously undermine the quality of life in their residential neighborhoods.

While it may be unusual for a town board member to write regarding a pending BZA matter, it is certainly not unprecedented. 

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Like many Great Neck residents, I am very familiar with the area in question. I share the concern of my constituents that a reasonable balance needs to be maintained between activity in the commercial area (Middle Neck Road) and on the adjacent local streets. This application appears to contain a number of elements that could seriously compromise that balance.

I would request that the BZA examine with the utmost seriousness the traffic, safety and logistical issues that have been raised by my constituents in this matter, in order to ensure that the character and integrity of the residential community is properly considered and taken into account in your deliberations.

Anna Kaplan

Town Council Member –

4th District

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