I am 77 years old and have been a resident of New Hyde Park for 56 years.
Today I witnessed something that I thought I would never see in the U.S., let alone in New Hyde Park. It was so repugnant to me as an American, that it caused me to write this protest. It was the fact that I saw two Muslim women wearing Burkas that covered them from head to foot, leaving only slits for their eyes, while their male partners wore Western garb.
Does the Taliban Rule in New Hyde Park? This is not the stuff of assimilation, as our grandparents learned English and applied for citizenship. This is the stuff of take over, forcing Americans to except and then bow to foreign pressure, i.e., France England and Germany.
I believe in diversity and feel that the best thing that happened in North Hempstead in the past decade is the annual Harbor Park Festival, but this denigration of women is ridiculous. Not in the U.S. Are we being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness? You make up your mind.
Joseph Schickler
New Hyde Park