Williston Park accepting tax break applications for seniors, veterans

Williston Park accepting tax break applications for seniors, veterans

The upcoming holiday season is also property tax discount season for Williston Park’s veterans and seniors.

The village is accepting new applications from veterans and all applications from seniors age 65 and older for exemptions from village property taxes.

The exemptions are available based on income and certain criteria, such as whether the applicant has a disability, Village Clerk Julie Kain said. Veterans can claim exemptions based on several different categories, including when they served whether they served in combat.

The 2015-16 village tax rolls show 43 Williston Park seniors claimed tax exemptions worth $34,392.59. Twenty-one Cold War veterans claimed exemptions worth a total of $677.29, and 299 other veterans claimed a total of $104,392.08.

Residents can also claim these exemptions on Nassau County property taxes, and all other villages offer them, Kain said.

Any seniors or veterans who need help with exemption applications can make an appointment to see Village Assessor Benjamin Truncale at Village Hall. Truncale will be available on Dec. 9 and 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

They can also call Village Hall with questions at 516-746-2193.

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