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Vote a la carte in EW

Ticket? What Ticket??? I’m voting “A La Carte”

On March 15 the residents of East Williston will have the opportunity to vote for a new mayor and two trustee positions. Apparently the mayoral position will be filled by Mr. Tanner, as he is running unopposed. The question arises as to how to best fill the two trustee positions when there are three candidates vying for this position.

There is a “ticket,” which seems to be confusing many. Voting for Mr. Tanner and Ms. Bonnie Parente does not guarantee that Mr. Shannon receives the second trustee seat. As a matter of fact, the reason for this correspondence is to specifically point out that Ms. Caroline DeBenedittis would be the perfect match in the trio.

Ms. DeBenedittis has proven her commitment to this community time and time again. She is a constant voice of reason and sits in attendance at all village meetings. I have worked along side her as she runs our recreation committee – coordinating programs for your children as well as residents of all ages.

Fiscally, she is the most cost conscious person around! She is always looking at ways to get the best products at the best price. Her concern for the safety and welfare of our residents has been proven time and time again. An example of this is when she rallied and gathered in excess of 400 signatures from village residents to petition New York State for a much needed crosswalk.

Sadly, however, the state decided that we did not have enough foot traffic to warrant it.

What the humble Ms. DeBenidittis won’t necessarily tell you, but I will is that she gives of herself tirelessly to an elderly resident on Atlanta Avenue. She cleans this gentleman’s home, walks his dog, food shops and drives him to doctor appointments.

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I also want to take a moment to endorse Ms. Bonnie Parente. Not only am I fortunate to live across the street from Ms. Parente, I have also done business with her.

She is an incredibly gifted attorney, negotiator, business woman and mother. We have worked together on real estate closings, arranging a much loved village event at Belmont, (which she always surprises the residents with free give-a ways) and other ventures.

She is extremely level headed and focused. She exemplifies the qualities necessary for a position on our village board.

Vote “A LA CARTE” and Caroline DeBenidittis and Bonnie Parente for village trustees.

Sandi and Kurt Polinsky

East Williston


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