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Upcoming events for Manhasset Board of Ed

We hope everyone has settled smoothly back into the school routine. Exciting things are happening across the district thanks to the strong partnership of Manhasset team of parents, students and staff. Please note these upcoming events which may be of interest to you and additional events can be found on the district website:

Superintendent’s Listening Tour: October and November

Building on the spirited dialogue and the record level of engagement across the Manhasset community during the spring budget vote, our superintendent, Charles Cardillo, will be meeting with members of the community to discuss our schools, what our community values, the strengths and weaknesses, and thoughts about their future. We encourage you to be an active participant in this process.

Homecoming: Saturday, Oct. 19 at 2 p.m.

At halftime we will formally say thank you to the leadership team of Manhasset PAL, Manhasset Soccer, Indians Rock and the Manhasset Booster Club and acknowledge the generosity of the Manhasset community for the successful fundraising to replace the stadium turf during the track and field area renovation. Funding for the track project came from the district’s Capital Reserve Fund and was approved by voters in 2011. 

K-12 Assessment Overview: Thursday, Oct. 24 8 p.m.

The board meeting will informally begin at 7:30 p.m. in the high school library with a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the Tower Foundation’s High School Library Refurbishment project. We thank the Tower Foundation for their vision, efforts and support in providing Manhasset students with a well-equipped 21st century space that inspires inquiry and learning. 

At 8 p.m. we will begin a detailed report of 2012-2013 testing, which includes results from the first state assessments aligned with new Common Core learning standards. Manhasset students performed well in grades 3-8 math and ELA tests, coming in second highest in proficiency among Long Island schools.  

Teacher Evaluation Program Report: Thursday, Dec. 5 8 p.m.  

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The board meeting will include a detailed report of the new teacher evaluation program (APPR). The first year of implementation has been very successful, fostering a groundbreaking approach that promotes a culture of continuous communication and ongoing improvement of instruction.  

As we look forward to a successful year, maintaining a solid educational and financial foundation depends on the ongoing engagement of all community members. Your questions and comments are always welcome. Contact us at In partnership together we believe we can chart a path, now and into the future, to ensure that educational excellence remains the hallmark for Manhasset’s students.

The Manhasset Board of Education

Regina Rule, President

Carlo Prinzo, Vice President

Patricia Aitken

Craig Anderson 

Ann Marie Curd

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