Troiano resignation raises questions on town’s financial checks

Troiano resignation raises questions on town’s financial checks
Supervisor Judi Bosworth offered praise for Robert Troiano upon his leaving the town last month (Photo by Janelle Clausen)

In 2014, the Town of North Hempstead hired Robert Troiano to serve as director of operations. At the same time, Troiano had racked up $81,533 in federal income tax liens according to Newsday.

Troiano also served as the senior policy adviser to Supervisor Judi Bosworth before being selected by County Executive Laura Curran to become the acting commissioner for traffic and parking violations. He promptly resigned last week when his income tax liens, in addition to a $749,264 lien on a house he owned facing foreclosure, came to light.

Troiano told Newsday that his resignation was not related to his tax issues, saying that he had paid off the income tax liens and that the foreclosure had been canceled.

According to a statement from the county executive’s office, Troiano would instead work for the county Board of Elections.

“Robert has always been known for his dedication to diversity and community,” Curran said in the statement. “His decision to continue that work is very much appreciated.”

Asked about the resignation following a news conference last week, Curran’s press spokesman, Michael Martino, had no comment.

Troiano was required to file a financial disclosure form with the town when he was hired, according to town spokeswoman Carole Trottere. The town has not yet responded to a public information request for the form.

Trottere said he served as the town’s board member for District 1 from 2004 to 2010 and then as a county legislator from 2010 to 2013. She said his salary was $137,660 when he left the town.

Whether the town knew about Troiano’s tax liens when he was hired  is unknown. Repeated attempts to reach Bosworth and other members of the Town Board were unavailing.

Bosworth offered praise for Troiano when he resigned from his position at the town last month.

“Robert Troiano has been a central member of my team since I took office,” Bosworth said. “Robert has a long and distinguished history in public service and has always served his constituents with passion … I have valued his counsel and wisdom and I wish him only the best in his new endeavor.”

Troiano’s tax issue bears a resemblance to that of Gerard Terry, the former town Democratic leader who was North Hempstead Town special counsel and attorney for the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Terry was never a full-time employee and he owed more than $1 million in unpaid taxes, much more than Troiano did. Both will have worked for the county’s Board of Elections.

Terry’s relationship with the town ended in February 2016, when his contract was not renewed by Bosworth. In September of last year, he pleaded guilty to tax fraud.

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