Apparently (Town of) North Hempstead Supervisor Kaiman and his crew have come up with a new way to pick our pockets.
As if we are not already paying high taxes, the TNH Parking Enforcement is out issuing tickets to home owners.
A few days ago my wife picked up our children at school and dropped them off at home. The enforcement agent must have been hiding in the bushes.
About eight minutes after she parked the car my wife was issued a summons for blocking a driveway. Our own driveway!!
Between the lingering snow piles, and many parked cars on our block (belonging to bus drivers and factory workers from down the block) there was no other place to park for the short time she was at home.
We really don’t have an extra $85, but I guess we’ll have to try and find it.
This sure is a nice way to treat struggling residents.
Just another slap in the face to the people he represents. With the amount of money Kaiman’s making, he apparently doesn’t give a damn about the middle-income residents trying to make ends meet.
Thanks John.
I guess I should just give you access to my assets and you can just take it all.
Just who are we affecting by parking in front of our own driveway?
Thanks again!
Ed Gerbe
New Hyde Park