Town of North Hempstead announces rowing camps

Town of North Hempstead announces rowing camps

The Town of North Hempstead announced last week a partnership with Port Rowing for rowing camps to be offered throughout the summer for children with disabilities (adaptive rowing), middle School and high school students, and even adult rowers.  

“This partnership with Port Rowing is building on the success of the Annual Row for Autism sponsored by the Town.  We are now becoming a destination for crew, where rowers from across the region can come here and row at our beautiful North Hempstead Beach Park,” Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman said. 

The summer Adaptive Camp is an opportunity for children with disabilities to work with a student mentor one-on-one. On staff, there is an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) specialist and physical therapist to assist campers. Classes are $600 per person for the week, with the first session beginning June 24.

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