Town of North Hempstead officials revealed a tentative $129.5 million budget for 2018 that increases spending from the previous year.
The action marks the first step toward creating a final budget to be voted on in November.
Officials emphasized that the proposed budget is tentative and subject to change over the course of work sessions and public hearings.
Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth said in a statement that the budget focuses on continuing quality service from various departments like the Highway Department, Department of Community Services and Parks and Recreation Department.
Bosworth said the budget “also reflects my stated commitment to pursue environmental initiatives and to secure funding for infrastructure needs.”
“The tentative budget gives a general picture of my administration’s planning, and is now ready for analysis, suggestions and reactions by the public and our town council members,” Bosworth said. “Rest assured that no matter what changes are made, the tax levy in the final version of the budget will remain within the state tax cap.”
The Town Board also passed a series of resolutions setting hearing and workshop dates for the budget.
There will be a special work session on Oct. 11 at 10 a.m., where the town comptroller will explain the budget, a public hearing on the tentative budget on Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. and a hearing on the preliminary budget on Oct. 24 at 7 p.m.
“Our Town Board members, as well as members of the public, have an opportunity to ask questions at this work session, and of course at all of our budget hearings,” Bosworth said at the public hearing.
The Town Board will vote on the budget on Nov. 1 at 7 p.m.
Bosworth and Councilman Angelo Ferrara said this date is set before Election Day, which is Nov. 7, for the benefit of the town and to reduce political wrangling.
“We understand the importance of that because other times, we read about a municipality that might have a tentative budget that says one thing and Election Day comes and goes and all of a sudden it’s a very different scenario,” Bosworth said at the hearing. “It really underscores the importance of our voting on this before Election Day.”
The tentative budget, as well as previous adopted budgets, can be found online at http://www.northhempstead.com/ToNH-Budgets.