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The Challenge of a Supermajority Vote

Because the preliminary working budget requires a tax levy greater than the levy allowed under the tax-levy cap legislation, the budget requires a supermajority vote of 60 percent in order to pass.

Simply put, two failed votes mandate that the tax-levy increase is set at 0 percent.  This means the district must reduce the budget and levy by $6,832,380. This reduction results in a 13-14 budget of $85,362,624, which is $1,706,800 less than the current 12-13 budget. 

Bottom Line:  If the vote fails twice, we must reduce the budget by $6.8 million.  Under consideration:

1.  Reduction of up to 14 full time equivalents (FTEs) at the elementary level – $1.44 million reduction, reducing K-6 class sizes by one section at each grade level in both elementary schools as shown on the projected elementary class-size slides #s 20 and 21 contained in the power point presentation on the district’s website at

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2. Reduction of up to 14 FTEs at the secondary level – $1.44 million reduction, i.e. this would translate into the elimination of up to 70 class sections across all subject areas – increasing class sizes, reducing student course options, and eliminating some course offerings.

3.  Elimination of all interscholastic athletics at the Middle School, JV and Varsity Level – reduction of $2 million. Very simply:  No sports at all – Grades 7 – 12.

4.  Elimination of all before- and after-school programs and activities K–12. Reduction of up to $350,000.  No clubs, elementary enrichment programs, or before-  and after-school fine and performing arts.

5.  Another $1.6 million or more would still have to be reduced throughout the remaining parts of the budget – including facilities, instructional technology, and personnel outside of teaching (clerical, custodial, administration, teaching assistants, supervisory aides, transportation, etc.).

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