Temple Israel of Great Neck will honor three congregants with its highest religious recognition on Tuesday Oct. 6 at their Simhat Torah observance, according to the VOICE, a bi-monthly newsletter produced by Temple Israel.
David Scherr, Rebecca Friedman-Charry, and Keyvan Frouzan will be honored at the 9 a.m. service which celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings.
The three congregants will be called to the bimah, or platform used for Torah reading services, to read the concluding verses of Deuteronomy,” the opening verses of the book of Genesis, and a chanting of the Haftarah from the book of Joshua.
“Temple Israel is proud to honor Becky, Keyvan, and Dave,” Temple Israel president Rob Panzer said. “Each has, in many ways, contributed to the Temple Israel community and the Great Neck community at large as well. We look forward to their continued involvement.”
Scherr and his wife joined Temple Israel in 1982. Since, he has been elected to the board of trustees and currently serves on the pastoral and Shoah committees.
Friedman-Charry has been a member of Temple Israel since 2004 and is the chair of Temple Israel Lifelong Learning, the congregation’s adult education program.
Frouzan joined Temple Israel six years ago. He was selected as chair of the House Committee two years ago and is currently in his first term on the board of trustees.
Following the service, members of the congregation can meet the honorees at a kiddush, or blessing recited over wine to sanctify the Shabbat and Jewish holidays, in their honor.