The benefit of a new Town of North Hempstead park and recreations facility created from the ruins of the old Roslyn Country Club that will be available to town residents is a larger issue than the agenda of the continued attack of two members of the Roslyn Country Club Civic Association.
T. Zarin and H. Schwartz have lead the members of the Roslyn Country Club Civic Association and worked long and hard along with the board members over many years, to provide a solution to the unsightly and dangerous conditions existing at the abandoned site of the Roslyn Country Club.
The efforts have included (but certainly not limited to) the successful legal battle to prevent the present owner to seize the easement rights held by the country club residents, dialogues and meetings with town officials to arrive at a possible equitable solution to both town and country club residents to the horrid conditions of the existing club site, as well as thwarting the intent of the present owner of commercialization or residential development the Roslyn Country Club site.
It is time to stop the personal attacks and suppositions and allow the town officials as they have committed, to complete the professional planning and projections for the establishment of a Town of North Hempstead park and present it to the residents.
The presumptions and innuendos should stop and allow the residents to make their decisions based on facts.
Warren Hochman
Roslyn Heights