Speaker maligned for truth about Sharia law

Speaker maligned for truth about Sharia law

On April 14, Manhattan resident Pamela Geller is scheduled to speak at the Great Neck Synagogue. 

True to form, the leftists among us – a k a the liberals or progressives or whatever they’re calling themselves these days – who pretend to be the most impassioned defenders of free speech, are hysterical at the prospect of the message Geller has been speaking about tirelessly to national and international audiences, writing books about, and blogging about on her daily site, www.AtlasShrugs.com, for the past decade.

Geller’s message is simple: Sharia Law, the centerpiece of political Islam, is a grave threat to America – where it has gone from a creeping to a galloping menace. 

On a daily basis, Geller documents exhaustively the frightening number of beheadings, stoning of women, “honor” killings (even in America) of girls who dare date a non-Muslim, et al, that are the essence of Sharia Law, as well as the exceedingly gruesome and anti-human clitorectomies they inflict on girls. 

That message has mobilized the so-called interfaith community – including Habeeb Ahmed, the first vice president of the Islamic Center of Long Island – to attack Geller and to besiege Rabbi Dale Polakoff of the Great Neck synagogue to cancel her appearance. 

To his everlasting credit, this rabbi does not bow to intimidation and threats, and has stood by the invitation proffered to Geller and also to the man she will introduce, Greg Buckley Sr., father of Marine Corporal Gregory Buckley Jr., who was murdered by American-loathing jihadists in Afghanistan.

There is something about a person like Geller – who exposes the savage, 7th-century behavior of political Islam – that drives leftists stark raving mad and, at the same time, exposes their rigid intolerance. These are the “useful idiots” (as Lenin called them) who always identify themselves with and aid and abet the enemies of America.

From their infatuation with Stalin and all subsequent Russian Communist leaders to the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, his murderous sidekick Che Guevara, and his tyrant brother Raul to modern-day Marxist megalomaniacs like Venezuela’s recently-deceased Hugo Chavez, Bolivia’s Evo Morales, Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega, Honduras’ late Manuel Zelaya, there is no anti-American Communist or Marxist – and now jihadist – who the left does not embrace.

And there is no one who exposes the malevolent agendas and rank hypocrisy of these anti-American slugs that the left doesn’t protest against. 

The current campaign against Geller is right out of the typical leftist playbook. Watch as Ahmed and others project their own character flaws onto Geller by screeching “racist” like a broken record. Watch them counter all of the empirical facts she presents with emotional buzzwords like “unfair” and “unjust.” Watch as they portray themselves as “victims” and those who support Geller as “bullies.”

But their tactics are tired. More people than ever are now aware of the ravages of Islamism and Sharia law throughout Europe and the Scandinavian countries, of the wholesale slaughter of Christians throughout Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, and Tanzania, as well as the entire Middle East. They are aware of the Islamist philosophy – “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.” 

And equally aware that neither good intentions nor leftist “cred” will save them from the scourge that Geller warns about.

I encourage all Great Neckers to come out on April 14 to support Geller’s heroic efforts to stem the tide of Sharia law in America. 

You can also call Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano at 516-571-3131 to tell him that Habeeb Ahmad and his ilk have no right to harass Geller or anyone else of the Free Speech that Americans value so deeply.


Joan Swirsky

Great Neck

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