Sewanhaka seeks savings in energy plan

Sewanhaka seeks savings in energy plan

An energy consultant hired by the Sewanhaka School District said Wednesday the school district could save 20-30 percent on what it is now paying for water, electricity and gas under a conservation program begun in the fall.

“There is a need to reduce the energy costs of the district, focusing primarily upon non-occupied hours,” said Stan Johnsen of Dallas-Tex.-based Cenergistic. “Behavioral changes can tremendously reduce energy costs… changing old habits and working to improve what we presently own.”

Johnsen said he has been focusing on efforts with school staff on shutting electrical devices and not leaving computers in sleep mode, to only use lights in occupied rooms and to ensure that windows and doors are closed and locked at the end of a day to reduce the need for heating and air conditioning.

“I’ve had great cooperation from the head custodians, which is key because they oversee the day and evening staff,” Johnsen said in November. “The evening custodial staff in each building

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