Sewanhaka schools get new roofs, fields

Sewanhaka schools get new roofs, fields

Students in the Sewanhaka Central High School District started the school year with new roofs over their heads after years of leaks and other wear.

All five schools had their roofs replaced over the summer as part of the $86.6 million long-term, districtwide renovation project. 

Work began in July, and when the final touches are completed at the end of September, the roofs will be ready to have solar panels installed on them next summer, Sewanhaka Superintendent Ralph Ferrie said.

Ferrie, now in his fifth year with the district, said there had been problems with the roofs before he arrived.

“It was really a major project that the district sorely, sorely needed,” Ferrie said.

The roof projects were part of the second phase of the buildings project, funded by a bond referendum voters passed last May. 

Other pieces of phase two included removing asbestos, a toxic material, from basement crawl spaces; installing new synthetic-turf athletic fields and track surfaces; and new scoreboards and concession stands. 

New Hyde Park Memorial High School also got new carpet in its library and new sod in its courtyard.

Teachers and students in the district are “extremely appreciative” of the updates, Ferrie said. 

Fall sports programs have seen an increase in turnout, to which he partially credited the new playing surfaces.

More athletic updates are coming in the fall, according to a statement from the district. 

Elmont Memorial, H. Frank Carey and New Hyde Park Memorial High Schools will all get new baseball fields. H. Frank Carey will also get a new softball field, as will Floral Park High School; and New Hyde Park Memorial will also have a new soccer field. Sewanhaka High School’s gymnasium will have its windows replaced.

The bond project’s third phase will include renovations on all five schools’ auditoriums, additions at Sewanhaka and Elmont Memorial and other structural improvements.

The district will hold ribbon-cuttings for the new football fields on Sept. 12 at Elmont Memorial; Sept. 19 at New Hyde Park Memorial; and Sept. 26 at H. Frank Carey. 

All events are at 1:30 p.m., prior the start of each school’s 2 p.m. football game.

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