Manhasset SEPTA Gifted and Talented programming will start its fifth year with a new gifted/talented director and new programs. Serving Manhasset’s brightest students, SEPTA Gifted and Talented has offered nearly 20 free programs.
Joanne Thalheimer is the incoming director of Gifted and Talented programming for the 2013-14 school year.
“As an alumni of the Manhasset Public Schools, I am excited to join the SEPTA team and give back to my community,” Thalheimer said. “I look forward to sharing what I have learned about gifted children over the years and empowering others with that knowledge.”
Thalheimer is a long time resident of Manhasset with three children in the public schools and a history of volunteer work including the Shared Decision Making team, Shorehaven Association, and Girl Scouts.
Thalheimer and the Manhasset SEPTA executive board are also looking for parents interested in working on various gifted/talented committees to bring presenters and programs to the community this year. SEPTA’s Gifted and Talented programs offered in past years include the Chinese culture and language program, SAT simulated test, public speaking workshop, and the science research program.
Returning for the fifth year, the Introductory Science Research Experience program is a collaborate effort with the Manhasset Secondary School and Manhasset SEPTA to support the school’s gifted and talented.
Headed by award-winning science research specialist, Peter Guastella, the science enrichment program provides a bridge between elementary gifted and talented experiences and the ninth grade introduction to science research course at the High School. SEPTA’s research program for eighth graders is offered in the Manhasset Middle School.
This year, SEPTA Gifted and Talented will have a new program for teens and a presentation by an expert guest speaker.
“SEPTA is excited to have Columbia University professor and author James Borland to speak about recognizing and educating gifted children,” Manhasset co-president Debbie Najmi said. “Manhasset Kids Question Everything, a program debuting this fall, will also be valuable to parents who want to challenge their children.”
For full details about the presentation in November, and the upcoming programs for gifted/talented, or to sign up for the Gifted and Talented committees, please log on to or e-mail