I might be flying solo on this one, but I couldn’t resist anymore: Karen Rubin, you are an editorial thug.
That’s right; I said it and I meant it. For years, Great Neck was held hostage to your attitude of “don’t disrupt the balance of our perfect little community by challenging anything,” such as the political hacks that run Great Neck Plaza (and have taxpayers funding their family health insurance costs while you take their pictures at ribbon-cutting ceremonies), a $600,000 brick path for the train station, a $1.2 million project to narrow Great Neck Road, or a $20 million plus library bond.
And although you have been dethroned and your position as editor of this paper was stripped from you, you continue to stand on the perch of your column and defend the indefensible. Your positions are wrongheaded, fiscally irresponsible and simply ill-informed.
Your last opinion piece really did me in. As you struggle for relevance in this community, you continue to fail us all by practicing bad journalism. You attack the BID for opposing the recent library referendum, which was a sound business position for them to take. You attack the president of the BID as being a failed candidate and in the same breath you plug your husband’s candidacy for park district. Yet you don’t attack your husband as being a failed candidate. You didn’t even suggest that he has run before. The reality is, we should have as many candidates for office in this community as possible. It’s a good thing when people care enough to try to effect change and make us aware of the ways we have been wronged.
Can you imagine the impact you could have had in this community if you had actually focused your criticism and “journalistic integrity” on exposing politicians who take advantage of their neighbors by wastefully spending our tax dollars to benefit their own interests (sorry Mayor Celendar and Trustee Schneiderman, I couldn’t resist)? Or the impact you might still have now by trying to champion a cause that this community could get their hands around and be proud of?
It’s a shame that after all of these years, you still haven’t figured out what this community wants.
Maybe you should run for office?
Michael S. Glickman
Great Neck
Editors’s note: The disclosure of the candidacy of Rubin’s husband was requested by the editor of the paper.