Roslyn Estates trustees approve dumpster law

Roslyn Estates trustees approve dumpster law

Village of Roslyn Estates trustees on Monday approved a local law amending regulations for residents keeping dumpsters and storage PODS on their property for extended periods of time.

The new regulations allow residents that have a building permit to keep dumpsters or storage units on their property, without the need for a secondary permit. 

The approved law adds the new regulations to Section 130-1 of Village law pertaining to, “Unsightly or Dangerous Conditions Prohibited.” 

After brief discussion and minor amendments to the proposed Public Hearing Bill 5, the board agreed to adapt the responsibilities of the village clerk to distribute dumpster and storage POD permits under their discretion. 

Earlier forms of the bill required approval from the village building Inspector.

“This is not for revenue,” Mayor Jeffrey Schwartzberg said. “This is purely to make sure dumpsters don’t end up sitting on people’s driveways for months and months unregulated.” 

The board originally wanted to allow residents to keep these units for 30 days before requiring a permit from Village Hall. 

Upon further discussion, the trustees concluded that this could lead to an unenforceable program, requiring a member of the board or village staff to take note of existing dumpers and PODS and keep track of their locations.

In other business, the board also discussed the continuation of Public Hearing Bill 4, revising the Village’s noise ordinance to allow the use of power washing equipment, as well as lowering the regulations on snow blowers.

The bill will still be up for discussion in upcoming board meetings. 

The board also introduced a new stop sign and possible parking regulations for what was termed a dangerous blind curve on The Serpentine at The Oaks.

The next board meeting will be Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. 




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