Rep. Mac right

Rep. Mac right

A letter in your March 11 edition criticized Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s vote against a budget amendment that would have cut funding for women’s health care.

The writer stated, “Carolyn McCarthy does not vote for bills that defunds (sic) abortion or Planned Parenthood.”

In her histrionic rant the author went on to equate support for Planned Parenthood with support for murder and eugenics and went on to say Rep. McCarthy “chooses to end life each and every time she votes in favor of Planned Parenthood.”

First, let us acknowledge that Planned Parenthood does provide access to abortion services. They also provide birth control services, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, low-cost gynecological care for indigent women, men’s health services and patient education. And the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place is by educating people.

You want to put a stop to abortion? Then eliminating Planned Parenthood is the last thing you want to do.

As for Rep. McCarthy’s stand on life, she’s been fighting for years to save lives by trying to reign in the proliferation of guns in this country.

Or is preserving life ex utero less important than preserving life in utero?

Shall we ask the parents of Christina Taylor-Green?

Jeanne Falabella


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