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Library opposes fee hike.

This was the headline in the Feb. 18, 2011 issue. They complain like an ordinary homeowner. If we divide the projected renovation of Main cost of $22,000,000 amongst the 27,600 resident cardholders that comes to about $800. each. If there are two cardholders in the household that is about $1,600. This in addition to their share of the $8 million yearly budget.

If there is a bond issue and all the residents are taxed then there is a different channel. A $22,000,000 project (X) times, at a good rate of 3.25%, comes to $715,000 per year. This times 20 years equals $14,300,000 interest over the life of the bonds in addition to the $22,000,000 cost. Divide the $36 million by the number of adult Great Neck cardholders comes to about $1,300 each.

A recent ad for an Amazon Kindle showed that it could be purchased for under $200 (Staples). This number times 2.600 patrons would come to $5,340,000. Lots of shelves would be eliminated, lots of trees saved, and lots of trips to the library (no parking needed) eliminated. No more books to buy!

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Borders went bankrupt last week. Most of the books sold go to libraries or as gifts. I watched for 20 minutes at B&N.

Breakfast bagels are served certain mornings at the Main library. Call about joining the staff.

Norman Roland

Great Neck

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