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Racist undertones found at GOP convention

In New York City it is said, call 311 to impart or receive information and that one may speak to someone in 160 different languages.

Living in this part of the U.S., one rubs elbows with the people of the world as I myself have witnessed during a period of more than 50 years. One naturally becomes acquainted, to say the least with many peoples of different backgrounds.

The Founding Fathers of our country were not floundering when they stated: our creator has endowed us with certain inalienable rights, etc. Creator is not a name. At our stage of development it is abstract and too far above and beyond our level of comprehension.

Creator does not offend anyone nor does it impinge on what is termed as church. All are free to attend to that as they wish. Even an atheist has little complaint as he or she admits to existing and to not being instrumental in bringing about that existence.

Our inalienable rights such as being created equal, freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, equal justice for all to name a few are admirable qualities in government and which we cherish in our country. Coupled with free will, our existence is truly our own.

The rights we have come with the price of responsibility and there are consequences, sometimes severe for transgressions. There are those who attempt to denounce, belittle and discredit these rights with words such as libertarian. Others attempt to find legal loopholes by which to deny our rights. There are no loopholes in our guarantees and liberty means liberty.

As there are parts of our country as mentioned above, there are other areas that are virtually segregated and white. They are primarily Protestant and other peoples are truly not welcome there. It is from these areas that the major effort is made to impose their views on our government: church corrupting the beauty of state. As I spent my first 18 years in a town close to Springfield, Mo., I know what I did witness. I won’t speak affirmatively about other places. Each part of our country will know if the shoe fits or not.

People who segregate themselves become ignorant about the world. They actually do not want to know anything about it. They like their ivory tower. It is those areas where the terms backward and shut -in apply. Ignorance means to ignore.

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 I changed the conclusion of this article after carefully listening to the acceptance speech by the Republican presidential candidate. There was the usual hoopla and too much of tearing down President Obama to the extent of being sleazy. 

President Obama has taken the route of diplomacy and that does not set well with militants. There is much mistrust of the USA. Those who force their influence on Tte USA from within or without don’t like it when all are accepted equally. It will be a long time if ever for this country to be trusted by all. Wrongeousness rises up clothed as righteousness unpredictably.

The candidate spoke not one word about how he would actually create as much as one job. Towards the end of the speech he mentioned building a military of such might to the effect that the world would shudder. That was the scary part and the way he said it was too. It would create some jobs and increase undesirable government spending which is contradictory to his policy.

Every time the camera focused on parts of the audience I could see that minorities were very few and far between. All have to draw their own conclusions. The comments like “one term president’” that we have been hearing are like schoolyard jeering which today is called bullying and especially bad when it is within the chambers of government. It is disrespectful and shows that the speaker does not respect their self. 

I am sure that many are sensitive to undertones and it hits me like plain old racism.


Charles Samek


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