Port schools seek to curb dogs

Port schools seek to curb dogs
The Town of North Hempstead plans to create a park where dogs like this one, standing outside Steppingstone Park, can play with their fellow canines. (Photo by Janelle Clausen)

Everyone lovesĀ dogs and that includes the Port Washington School District, according to spokesman Michael Ganci.

But not enough to let them defecate on school property.

In a statement released last weekend, the school district reminded local residents that pets are not allowed on school property.

“In recent months, district schools have experienced a high volume of dog owners who either have not seen or have disregarded posted signs that clearly state pets are prohibited from school grounds,” Ganci said.

The statement said that some pet owners and dog walkers have additionally ignored direct requests by the district’s security staff to have dogs removed from school grounds.

While pet walking is banned from school grounds, dog owners are free to share school fields.

But the district asked that owners at least clean up after their pets, as a courtesy to the students and other residents who use the field for recreation.

“School fields are a community resource for all of our district residents to enjoy, however, this resource is compromised for many of our residents when there is dog feces present on these grounds.” the statement said.

The district also said that it would be stepping up enforcement of the policy.

If owners ignore warnings by security personnel to remove their pets from the premises, the Port Washington Police Department will be contacted.

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