Whenever the village of Port Washington North replaces old sidewalks with new ones, the wet cement attracts a problem: graffiti artists who want to etch their initials— or worse.
“Every couple of years, the same thing happens,” said Clerk Palma Torrisi.
Recently, village officials were contacted about a group of young men etching a facsimile of the male anatomy in several blocks of wet sidewalk cement. Fortunately, the graffiti was discovered and erased before the cement could harden.
To prevent children and teenagers from writing their names — or something worse — on the fresh concrete, the village has tried to do sidewalk work when school is in session. But the vandalism has continued to occur.
“We’re finding adults on their knees, carving in their names,” Mayor Bob Weitzner said. “It’s unfortunate.”
Weitzner said the issue was addressed in past newsletters and he would continue to tell residents that writing in the concrete was unacceptable.
The discussion took place during the report on public works in the village, where it was mentioned that the basins of Port Washington North would be cleaned and work on trees would be done.
Most of the meeting centered around a pair of applications for businesses in the village. The first was a hearing on a conditional use application for a patio to be installed on the back of a warehouse by Safavieh Home Outdoor and Outlet.
The outdoor furniture store is located at the back of the building on 2 Channel Drive and will primarily serve as a warehouse for furniture, but Village Attorney Stuart Besen said they still needed to get a variance application before they could do any further construction on the patio, which would displace parking spaces.
“We do want to work with you, as long as it’s in the letter of the law,” Weitzner said.
The other was a sign application for NYDanceworks, which recently moved from Manorhaven to Soundview Marketplace.
“You’ll certainly have ample parking,” Weitzner told the owners, noting that the T.J. Maxx would be opening in spring and that a couple of restaurants would open soon as well. “You’re going to have a very vibrant shopping center. It’s very exciting.”
He also mentioned that the owners of Soundview were in the process of selling the shopping center, and the new owners would be a better fit.
The board approved an awning for the location, as well as the studio’s name on Soundview’s pylon sign.
A hearing on Bill 1A of 2017 — which would allow nursing homes and assisted living facilities to be built in Economic B District, along Channel Drive — was once again tabled without discussion.
The Board of Trustees also agreed that the petty cash fund should increase from $250 to $300 and Dejana Industries was once again awarded the village’s snow removal contract.
Reach reporter Luke Torrance by email at ltorrance@archive.theisland360.com, by phone at 516-307-1045, ext. 214, or follow him on Twitter @LukeATorrance.