The Village of Plandome Board of Trustees on Tuesday approved local laws that raise the maximum amount the village can issue for “penalties for offenses” and another raising zoning code fines.
Under the “penalties for offenses” revision, the maximum fine within the village would be $1,000. It had previously been set for $250.
Under the revised zoning law, those in violation of the village code or are fined a civil penalty are subject to a fine no more than $700 for a first offense, between $700 and $1,400 for a second offense and between $1,400 and 2,000 for a third offense.
The board did not vote on the third proposed local law, which would have allowed generators to be used to power a home during a power outage, rather than solely for “heat and medically necessary equipment.”
Village of Plandome Deputy Mayor Roy Herbert suggested the village schedule a public hearing for the village’s September board of trustees meeting after reaching out to residents for feedback on how many residents have generators and determining a set noise level with which a generator may operate.
Trustee Katie Saville suggested creating a survey gauging residents’ views on generator-noise levels on the village Web site or distributed through e-mail.