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Obama administration has been Israel’s best friend

First I want to say kudos to J. Marcus for hitting the mark regarding Esor Ben-Sorek. I could  not have said it better. Now in response to Ben-Sorek’s recent comments in which he mentions my previous letter, I to do not like to debate with know-nothings especially those who maintain a very narrow view and do not have an open mind to reality.

I can’t imagine the source of his information where he states “slave owners who founded the United States guaranteed freedom of speech and opinion to all in its borders.”  If the slaves of the past were here today, I would like to see their reaction to that one.  As to his comments regarding Chuck Hagel, frankly, if he is an Israeli citizen as he says he is, then he has no right to publicly express his views on American political appointees.  That right is reserved for American citizens.  I suggest he would be better served if he returns to Israel and comments on the upcoming elections there.  

He would probably better serve Netanyahu in that capacity.

His totally absurd opinion that the United States is less friendly to Israel since 2008 (the beginning of President Obama’s first term) than in the past is is completely not true and very self serving.  As I have said in one of my previous letters, the Obama administration has given more financial and military aid to Israel than any other previous administration.  As far as who gives more or less intelligence information, Israel or the US, I have no opinion or knowledge and if I did I would assume it really would not be very secret.  Does Ben-Sorek know something the rest of us don’t?

I am not sure what his quoting of tourism numbers has to do with anything in particular.  Large numbers of tourists of varied religions visit numerous countries, so should Israel be any different?  I suppose it means something if you want it to.

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Finally Ben-Sorek made the comment that my name is not of American origin.  What name is of American origin? Certainly not Esor Ben-Sorek. If he is so knowledgeable about American history, he should know that this country was built by nationalities from numerous countries with a multitude of names.  The fact is I was born and raised in America, served three-and-one-half years active duty in the US Army as did three previous generations of my family plus recently a nephew wounded twice in Iraq and another nephew recently returned from Afghanistan. 

That background Ben-Sorek gives me and others like me a far greater right to speak my views in and about American than any Israeli citizen.

 John Nahas

Great Neck

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