The New York State Senate honored New Hyde Park Boy Scout Sean Nidermaier last week for the courage he showed in saving his four-year-old sister Braidy from drowning last summer.
State Sen. Jack Martins brought the Notre Dame School fifth grader and his family to Albany for a ceremony in the state Senate Chamber to recognize Sean for his heroism
“It’s important that we take the opportunity to recognize those individuals who make our communities better like Sean. They are people we meet every day from all ages and all walks of life,” Martins said.
The life-saving incident occurred when the 11-year-old Sean was in Connecticut with his family to see his older sister Emma play in a softball tournament this past summer.
Sean saw his younger sister Braidy jump into the pool at the hotel where they were staying.
When he didn’t see her on the surface of the water, he immediately ran into the pool and, using skills he said he learned in an aquanauts course in scouting, rescued his sister.
He subsequently became the only Nassau County scout to be awarded the Boy Scouts of America National Medal of Heroism for his efforts. To earn the Medal of Heroism, a scout commendation since 1923, a scout must save a life or attempt to save a life with little or no risk to himself.
Sean said it was “exciting” and he felt “proud” to win the award when he received it in January.
He crossed over from his Cub Scout pack to being Boy Scout as a member of Troop 544 in New Hyde Park last month.
Sean was accompanied in Albany by his parents Scott and Katie as well as his sisters Emma, Cailin and Braidy Grace, his scout leader Elizabeth Castelli and Sean’s good friend Michael Castelli.
“It was just an incredible day,” said Sean’s father, Scott Nidermaier.
“It was such a cool day,” Sean told his father at the end of the day.
Sean has said he’s determined to achieve the highest Boy Scout rank.
“I’m definitely going for Eagle,” he said in an interview after receiving the Medal of Heroism.
“There are great things in store for this young man and his family,” Martins said. “Sean comes from a wonderful family and I know we’ll be hearing more about him in the days ahead.”
The video from the Senate floor can be seen at