The hit show “Runt of the Litter,” a play written and performed by former NFL safety Bo Eason, will be presented by Pal-O-Mine on Saturday, Nov. 9 in the Madison Theater at Molloy College.
“Runt of the Litter,” originally directed by Larry Moss, looks at what happens to two brothers in a family of overachievers when their parents assure their oldest son he is destined for football stardom and their youngest son appears too small to compete. The play is an account of Eason’s life and career as a safety for the Houston Oilers in the 1980s. Eason’s brother Tony was a star quarterback at the University of Illinois and an accomplished NFL signal-caller with the New England Patriots and the New York Jets from 1983-1990.
The mission of Pal-O-Mine Equestrian, Inc., is to provide a comprehensive therapeutic equine program using horses to facilitate growth, learning and healing. The organization’s population includes children and adults with disabilities, those who have been abused or neglected, the military and the economically compromised. Pal-O-Mine began in 1995 and has grown to be one of the leading equine therapy centers in the Northeast.
They operate a year round, full-time program and support 19 program horses on an eight-acre facility located in Islandia, serving 350 individuals weekly.
The show is at 7 p.m. and tickets are priced at $150 per person ($75 for students with ID) and are available by calling (631) 348-1389 and asking for Carol Evers or by visiting VIP tickets are $350 per person and include an exclusive meet and greet reception with Bo Eason after the show at 9 p.m.
According to Talkin’ Broadway, “This is a superb, substantive, quasi-autobiographical one-man show written by Bo Eason… who gives a sexy, tough, charismatic performance of size and scope. Though resolutely American in its themes (the competitiveness and violence of sports, sibling rivalry, underdog makes good), it also contains elements of ritual theater and blood sacrifice that give the material a mythic resonance and power. The show cuts across all demographics and has an across-the-board appeal for everyone, from sports enthusiasts to hardcore theater lovers.”