Molecular Science Doctor Wins Feinstein Institute’s Ross Award

Molecular Science Doctor Wins Feinstein Institute’s Ross Award

Feinstein Institute, the medical research arm of Northwell Health announced last Thursday it has awarded Dr. Charles Serhan as the recipient of its annual Ross Prize.

The award, in its fourth year, is awarded to scientists who have made an impact in understanding human disease pathogenesis, its treatment and demonstrate the promise for making greater contributions to the field of molecular medicine. 

“The Ross Prize is a wonderful recognition of our relatively new field of research focused on harnessing the body’s own mechanisms to resolve inflammation,” Serhan said in a statement. 

Feinstein Instute president Kevin Tracey said Serhan’s approach to science enabled his discovery of resolvins

Serhan’s research focuses on structural elucidation of bioactive molecules that activate the resolution of acute inflammation. 

His laboratory’s mission is to identify novel mediators, pathways, and cellular targets critical in promoting resolution of inflammation and reperfusion tissue injury and their relation to human disease.

Tracey who also serves as editor emeritus of Molecular Medicine, an open access, peer-reviewed biomedical journal published by the institute, said the molecular mechanisms hold promise for developing novel approaches to treating inflammation. 

Serhan is the director of the Center for Experimental Therapeutics and Reperfusion Injury at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 

He is also the Simon Gelman Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School and professor at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, is the recipient of the fourth annual Ross Prize in Molecular Medicine. 

The Ross Prize is awarded through the Feinstein Institute Press’s peer-reviewed, open-access journal, Molecular Medicine. 

The prize, which includes a $50,000 gift, will be formally presented to Serhan on June 13 at the New York Academy of Sciences in Manhattan.

Following the award presentations, Serhan will deliver a lecture where he will discuss his discoveries in the resolution of inflammation. 

“I am honored and look forward to this exciting symposium and celebration,” Serhan said. 

The Ross Prize is made possible by the generosity of Feinstein Institute board members Robin and Jack Ross.

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