Village of Plandome Manor Mayor Barbara Donno said Tuesday she plans to meet with North Hempstead town officials in early December to discuss a study conducted by the engineering firm Sideny B. Bowne & Son, LLP about the feasibility of a proposal to repair the Leeds Pond culvert.
The North Hempstead Town Council during its Sept. 9 meeting approved $25,000 for Sidney Bowne to complete its engineering study on the culvert, which was built in 1954 to separate fresh and salt water bodies from a lake that formed as Manhasset Bay overflowed, but in recent years has begun to crack due to the severity of the overflow.
The village is also conducting its own engineering investigation Port Washington-based firm SDG Engineering to determine the maximum weight of pedestrians and vehicles that could safely cross the culvert, which is located beneath North Plandome Road.
Plandome Manor has proposed the installation of a sleeve-like structure at the culvert to collect overflowed storm water.
If the culvert requires a weight restriction, the village plans to erect a corresponding sign notifying motorists and pedestrians.
In other developments:
• The board of trustees set a public hearing for its Jan. 20 meeting on the 2015-16 Port Washington Fire Department contract.