Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano attended a senior citizen conference on May 29, where he honored a number of Nassau County seniors for their volunteer efforts. The theme of the conference was “Unleash the Power of Age,” and was held in recognition of May as Older Americans Month. Attendees were from Nassau County-funded senior centers and four of the senior programs at Bethpage Senior/Community Center. (Pictured L. to R.) Allison Mitchko and Virginia Mitchko, accepting a posthumous award on behalf of the late Lenny Mitchko for his volunteer work at Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Betty Ann Pristupa, Senior Woman of the Year; Mangano; Joseph Bodkin, Senior Man of the Year; Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos; Lisa A. Murphy, Commissioner, Nassau County Department of Human Services; Victoria Meyerhoefer, director of the Nassau County Office for the Aging; Charlotte Allen, advisory council