M-L Water District unveils $9.9M budget

M-L Water District unveils $9.9M budget

The Manhasset-Lakeville Water District on Thursday introduced a $9,945,605 budget for 2015 that later this year will go before the Town of North Hempstead for approval.

The budget is $114,012 higher than the district’s 2014 total, due primarily to a $414,423 equipment cost that more than doubles the $200,000 figure allocated last year, district commissioners said.

The equipment costs are higher because of the $1.8 million in capital improvement projects planned for the next year, district commissioners said, including the continued installation of an automated meter infrastructure and the replacement of fire hydrants throughout the district.

The district also allocated $2.265 million toward operations, which includes power and pumping water, purification and maintenance and repair costs; $1,483,681 in district-wide salaries; and $2, 615,468 in retirement and health costs, down from $2,649,987 in 2014; and $1,882,714 in debt service payments.

Manhasset-Lakeville projects collection of $6,444,344 in non-tax revenues, including $65,000 in the selling of old equipment – an increase of $42,500 from 2014, district commissioners said.

The district projects collection of approximately $3.5 million in taxes, a slight increase from the $3.43 million it collected in 2014, commissioners said. The total is within the state’s 2 percent tax cap.

Commissioners said billing rates will remain the same as in 2014. Residents who receive up to 8,000 gallons would be charged $1.35 per 1,000 gallons; residents who receive up to 36,000 gallons would be charged $1.35 per 1,000 gallons; residents who receive up to 72,000 gallons would be charged $1.70 per 1,000 gallons; residents who receive up to 216,000 gallons would be charged $2.45 per 1,000 gallons; residents who receive up to 1,500,000 gallons would be charged $3.30 per 1,000 gallons; and residents who receive more than 1,500,000 gallons would be charged $4.05 per 1,000 gallons.

The Manhasset-Lakeville Water District serves parts of Manhasset, Great Neck and New Hyde Park.

Reach reporter Bill San Antonio by e-mail at bsanantonio@archive.theisland360.com, by phone at 516.307.1045 x215 and on Twitter @ Bill_SanAntonio. Also follow us on Twitter @theislandnow1 and Facebook at facebook.com/theislandnow.

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