Lunch and religion goes well together

Lunch and religion goes well together

Great Neck reader H.O.Richheimer has a problem. 

If he walked along the Middle Neck Road eateries, bagels and pizza shops, he might be a wiser person. At lunch time when students are allowed to leave school buildings and wander on the streets looking for a place to feed their tummies some of them also look for a place to fill their minds. 

Ohr Torah provides them with both, at no charge. Why can’t students freely choose to decide where they will go for lunch? Schools and school authorities have no say in that matter.

Richheimer is a complainant. Now he suggests that the FBI should investigate. What federal crime has been committed? 

Pretty soon Richheimer will ask for help from the CIA, Russia’s KGB and Israel’s Mossad.

Richheimer should wisen up. He’s just probably jealous that Ohr Torah didn’t offer him a slice of pizza with a bit of Torah learning. He might benefit from both. Pity the old guy.


Aaron Tulchinsky

Kings Point

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